Thursday, February 28, 2019

5 for Friday

1.Have you ever left the country you live in and where?
Nope. I've traveled a little around the states...but not much...and not near as much as I would like to!

2.What countries would you visit if time and money were not problems?
Time and money not a problem? When did I get a TARDIS?! That would be fantastic!... I want to start in the UK - England Ireland Scotland...
And I've been told that Italy is wonderful. So, that's on my list.  Australia for sure. 

3.Out of all the foreign food you've tried, which is your favorite and why?
I don't really have a favorite...It all depends on the mood & the food. :) 

4.Can you name all 7 continents?
North and South America Africa Australia Europe Asia.....and I had to cheat because I couldn't remember Antarctica. (It's been a day or two since I've been in school!)

5.Which continent are you least likely to ever want to see and why?
That would be the above forgotten Antarctica....just because BURRRRRRRRR!!!

1 comment:

CWMartin said...

1- You and me are the same there...

2- you mean, after a year on some beach?

3- IDK that I have eaten anything that a real person from a foreign country would consider "their food". Chinese, pizza, taco bell... I do love homemade tamales though (prolly because I ain't the one making them in my home...)

4- C'mon, I could draw Vietnam when I was 4...

5- Define "see". I would not be so disinclined to Antarctica if it was "arrive in broad daylight, stick your head out the door, look around, return magically home when you shut the door..."