Thursday, November 4, 2010


1. I really can’t handle people in my space.

2. I’m useless without a good 8 hrs sleep.

3. I am way to fond of my pajamas and slippers.

4. I make the best apple dumplings.

5. I really hate smoking.

6. I try too hard sometimes.

7. I say "you're welcome," when people don't thank me for, say, holding a door open.

8. I can't decide how I feel about bumper stickers.

9. I may be a stones throw away from insanity.

10. I am throwing out all nonessential numbers. This includes age and weight.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Yeah, I can relate to those...except I haven't worn "pajamas" since I was a kid...LOL.
I'm not a stone's throw from insanity...but I do happen to live on the same street...

Good list.

Have a great day.