Friday, March 8, 2013

5 on Friday

1) 10 years ago what did you think you would be doing now?
I wasn't sure I would be around 10 years ago. When I was diagnosed with end stage COPD my life expectancy was 5 yrs.

2) Where do you think you will be in 5 years from now?
Probably the same place...hopefully

3) Do you live life one day at a time or look to the future.
I look to the future but enjoy each day as if it was my last.

4) Do you wish you could go back in time and undo something in your life?
Yes, I wouldn't have spend so long devoting time to undeserving people

5) If you could send a message back in time and give a younger version of yourself some advice, what would it be?
Don't give up. Believe in yourself. You'll make it.


Alice said...

1. I was hoping to have a healthy third child and raise them happily. I wasn't expecting 4,5 and 6:)

2. Older, wiser, hopefully joyful.

3. Both

4. YES!

5. Don't take yourself so seriously and stop the worrying!

Bob G. said...

Oh, this IS going to be fun for

1) I can say what I DIDN'T think I'd be doing now...surviving in the ghettohood, thanks to the city of Ft. Wayne, FWHA, section 8, and the entitlement system.
They've made my life "interesting" beyond belief.

2) Hopefully, alive and kicking.
(and not a statistic)

3) A little of BOTH...even as a cynic, I wish to remain somewhat OPTIMISTIC about the future.

4) Oh, wow...would I EVER!
Just ONE thing?
I've so many!
(and I've got a mental list of items to PROVE it)
If we knew THEN what we know NOW, eh?

5) My goodness, that is a LOADED proposition.
I wouldn't know where to begin, other than the fact that some things you cannot change, so try and affect those that you CAN.
And then, there are the "loves" of one's life...ah, yes.
SO much to say, so little time to say it...even if we could go back in time.

Excellent "5" today...really got me thinking.

Have yourself a great weekend watching the snow melt (and Little John reappearing).
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

I can never answer these questions, especially when they shoehorn them into job apps. I don't look at the future. I barely look at today, for pete's sake!