Friday, March 22, 2013

5 on Friday

1. Would you return to high school life for a week? Why or why not? (If you're currently in high school, would you redo your experiences so far?)
No, because in general I didn't fit in with the rest of the kids in my class.  No, because I had no self-esteem and didn't know myself or feel happy with myself the way I do now.
2. Who were/are you in high school?
In general I was the quiet girl who didn't fit in, although academically I was a high achiever.
3. What was/is your favorite high school hangout? What did/do you do there?
I didn't spend time with my friends out side of school.
4. What were/are your favorite three songs in high school?
I had more than three favorite songs. I loved everything by  Elvis for a start.
5. What was the craziest thing you did in high school?
I wasn't very crazy in high school. The worst thing  I did was leave school one afternoon and walk to my grandma’s house.


Bob G. said...

1) Yes, I would if just to be with my old Drama class one more time...and perform for the school.
And to revisit friends long passed.

2) I was, like those I hung with the "square pegs", and luckily we all found each other.

3) Jean's steaks and hoagies, but we're allowed to go there for lunch.

4) Anything by Simon and Garfunkel...LOL
(or the Guess Who)

5) We weren't know for craziness, but we did go to a diner after the school show...and wondered WHY everyone was staring at us...we FORGOT to take off our STAGE MAKEUP...yes, even the GUYS!
(but we did manage to cram 14 of us into a '58 chevy...and never got pulled over - all sober as a judge.

Great list.

Have a good weekend.
Stay safe (and warm) down there.

CWMartin said...

1. Once upon a time, yes; however, I have learned that I kept up with most of the ones who grew up and became adults, so no.
2.A member of the group that was left over when all the other groups were filled.
3. Generally when we got together it was at this one girl's house.
4.Night Fever was just charting when we won State in Girls B-Ball. Cheap Trick's Surrender was the senior song for the class above us. After that, music kinda took a dive for me.
5.Saved all my crazy for after high school, thank you.