Thursday, August 7, 2014

5 on Friday

1. If you could invite five people to dinner from history, living or dead, who would they be? I’m not real fond of eating with dead people but here goes,Albert Einstein, Jesus Christ, Dr. Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Bill Cosby.
2. Why have you chosen these five individuals?
Albert because I would like to discuss his theories, Jesus to talk about faith and today’s problems, MLK to talk about racial integration and tolerance and how we can improve, Gandhi to talk about peace and his views on smoothing relations with Muslims, and Bill Cosby  just so we can have a good laugh.

3. What would you serve for dinner?
I would order pizza cause I am lazy like that.

4. What would you like to ask them?
See answer number 2.

5. Do you think everybody seated at the table would get along? Why or why not?
Yes, I think they would all get along well. I would be most interested in the dialogue between Albert and Jesus on religious matters.


Bob G. said...


1- Wow, that's a tough one...
MLK, George Patton, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and Ben Franklin.

2- MLK- racial issues & solutions, Patton for strategies and tactics, Washington for better understanding the fight for freedom and liberty, Lincoln, for bringing a nation together, and Franklin for some wisdom to meld all the rest.

3- Figure a good Yankee pot-roastm potatoes, some veggies with a few desserts and whatever each wants to drink.

4- I don't know about INDIVIDUAL questions...I'd like a round-table discussion...everyone's input.

5- I'd like to "think" they would, as each I've chosen has a particular philosophical belief and much of them DO overlap.
I'd really like to see what they think of TODAY'S world.
(that should get us well PAST dessert,

Great list.

Have a good weekend a& stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

I LOVED your answers, especially the head-to-head with Einstein and Jesus. I'd also like to see Chris Matthews and Neil DeGrasse Tyson tied up and gagged in a corner, listening to the conversations between the five. They might actually learn something. Well, Tyson might.