Thursday, August 28, 2014

Domestic Violence

Have you ever really thought about domestic violence?
Have you ever heard a disturbance at a neighbors home and wondered?
When you see inappropriate behavior, do you say anything? What is inappropriate?

If you were in a restaurant and saw it would you speak up?
What makes it okay when it is in the home?
Every 15 minutes in the United States alone a woman is beaten by someone who claims to love her.
Worldwide it is about every 3 minutes...
1 out of 4 females in the United States will be raped sometime in their life.
WTF people?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Considering the facts you have, it's hard NOT to think about it.

Used to hear all kinds of stuff through the thin walls of rowhouses in Philly.

Hitting isn't appropriate, no matter where you're at. yelling isn't far behind that, but we've become SUCH a "LOUD" society, it's hard to distinguish at times.

I'd be surprised if no one acted if it happened in a restaurant.

I guess people think behind their OWN walls is okay.

Love never meant having to count your bruises.
Very good post.

Stay safe down there.