Thursday, December 10, 2015

5 for Friday

1. What is your favorite  thing about Christmas?
Driving through the neighborhoods and seeing a the lights. It cheers me up. Oh and the Music! 

2. Did you believe in Santa Claus? If so, what was the best gift from him? 
I do believe, but I can't remember what was the best present. I treasure every gift. 

3. Do you have a Christmas Tree? Ribbon, Angel, Star or ______ on Top?
Yes I  have a little Charlie Brown Christmas tree. There is an ribbon on top.

4. Best stocking stuffer you got?
Candy! Lots and lots of candy! 

5. Wishing for a White Christmas? Certainly! Christmas is the best time for snow; I get pretty sick of it, afterward.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

This looks to be fun as usual...

1) Don't have any of that where we live, but I do recall such neighborhoods back in Philly. Some of those were fantastic (for row homes).

2) Always believe in Santa, and I also cannot put my finger on any ONE gift. They were all special

3) Yep, a 6 ft artificial pine tree Wifey & I got from K-Mart the FIRST Christmas we were together. The top branch won't support an angel or tree-topper.

4) The Life-Savers "candy book"...every year without fail.
(and those chocolate "coins".)

5) Can't have a real and "perfect" Christmas w/o the snow...just ask Bing Crosby & Danny Kaye...LOL

Definitely a fun list.
Have a good weekend & stay sfae down there, dear.