Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Favorite Things

  1. deBrand dark chocolate
  2. Pandora radio
  3. Chap stick
  4. Cupcakes
  5. Lady Gray tea
  6. Spring flowers
  7. Rainbows
  8. Clean Linens
  9. My computer
  10. My cell phone


Bob G. said...

Wow...gonna take me a while to figure out ONLY 10 things to call "favorites".
(yes, it's not all dreary in my
Let me think on it...
BTW, we DO have Lady Grey Tea at our house (among like 6 others)
And Wifey loves DeBrands!

CWMartin said...

In no order:
Ultimate feast at red lobster;
stadium-bought hot dogs;
pepsi, though i've had to cut down;
beef, though I've had to cut WAY down;
walks with Scrappy;
the lake (any lake);
the Oakland Athletics;
70's music, especially 1975.

Joanne said...

1.Mash potatoes and gravy
2. old movies
3. old fashions
4. My kids art work
5. bloopers
6. down comforters (or in my case "down-like")
7. the smell of carnations
8. fresh coffee
9. the first day of vacation
10. doll houses

this was fun. Blessings, Joanne