Saturday, January 23, 2021


I turn 70 tomorrow...yup way over 1/2 a century old, way over 1/2 of 100 years old, 70...Seventy Years Old... This has gotten me to thinking about my life, what I have accomplished, where I am. I do have three children, 5 grandchildren, and a couple of ex-husbands. I think I have relatively good health, other than my COPD, or so the Dr. tells me. I do know that I am going to die though. At some time everything dies, plants, animals, people. Die, Death, Dead....those words mean so much more now. When you die, you are gone. You aren't here, you don't talk on the phone with your son, you don't attend a grandchild's school production. You aren't watching football or baseball or a Nascar race. You won't be going to any concerts...because you aren't here. You are Dead. Gone. How will I be remembered? Will I be remembered? Oh, I know my children will remember me...often at first, then as time goes on memories will fade. I will always be there as their mom. They will remember times and events, little things. But after they are gone, who will remember me?

P.S. I haven't received any bad news or anything like that...just turning 70.


Alice said...

That's a lot to be thinking about!

Happy Birthday, I hope it is special.

CWMartin said...

I'll remember. And, BTW, Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you! You can't hear me singing, so I pretended to!;)

colletta said...

Happy Birthday, and may you have many more..You will have a good one with Greg coming home in a few days...