Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Last night a friend ask me why I blog. It didn’t bother me so much, as it made me wonder why do I do this? I guess the answer is that there are times when there are things I want to do, say things I need to say, or express anger I am feeling. There are times when there is no one to talk to, no one who would understand, or maybe just that there is no one who really cares and sometimes there is just time when I don’t want to talk to anyone. For all those times I decided to blog, there have been times when I was unsure how I actually felt, times when I was fuming, and times when I did not know what I thought. It is an indirect way of releasing thoughts, fears and even anger. I could have turned to a bottle of scotch, or made an appointment with a shrink. Instead I do this, I have no great solutions, no great insights but it does not matter if it is useful or not, appreciated or not, enjoyed or not. It is just something I do for me


Alice said...

Blogging is essentially journaling, and lots of people do that. The only difference is that there is an "audience" so to speak. This can be a great way to meet up with encouragers, challengers, and kindred spirits.

Bob G. said...

Ma's got it going on...she gets it!

You DO blog for yourself (initially), but in doing so, you echo the voices of others, instruct, enlighten, amuse, and make people think.

Nothing wrong at all with ANY of that.

And the really neat part...
It's a TWO-WAY street.

Have yourself a great weekend!

Stay safe down there.