Friday, July 8, 2011

Moments and Milestones

“Life isn't a matter of milestones but of moments”~~~ Rose Kennedy, mother of John F. Kennedy

I look back over my life and I can see lots of moments that became milestones. Sometimes those moments are moments that we wished had never happened but they cannot be changed . Life is made up of all of them, good and bad. Death, birth, that peaceful moment right before dawn, the light touch on the hand and the kick in the head, all add up to our moments that make up our life.

I can think of so many moments that are my milestones. Another moment, a look across a crowded room, a kiss under the stars... Other moments not so pleasant to remember, hands on my throat, a fist, a kick, drugs and drink... Hard to think of them as milestones but they were, they were a part of my life that shaped me and made me who I am today.

One important milestone in my life was April 2009, the day I made my first entry here. There have been people to come and people to go thru here, hopefully there will be more to come and go. Each and everyone of you are moments in my life that I treasure.


CWMartin said...

Thank you, and right back atcha.

Bob G. said...

That is a wondeful and insightful commentary.

And since CWM stole my line, I'll just say "Ditto"!

Do have yourself a great weekend.

Stay safe down there.