Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pet Peeves

  • People who blow their horn at you the nano-second the light changes to green.
  • People who don't use their turn signal, tailgate, and cut you off really hard and close.
  • People don't know the difference between 'Yield' and 'Merge'!!
  • People who dress to the nines to go to Walmart and bring their kids with their crusty noses, dirt rings around their necks, faded dirty clothes, and bare dirt crusted feet. I consider this a form of child abuse. These parents should be horsewhipped.
  • People at Wal*Mart Supercenter who enter thru the exit and exit thru the enter. Can you not read what it says over the doorway?
  • Guys who wear wifebeaters in public. I mean just wifebeaters and nothing else for a shirt. They call them undershirts for a reason.
  • People who won’t tell me their opinions and thoughts if they think that I will get angry or upset. Listen, it's as simple as this: Keep tactful, honest, and open-minded, and I will keep that way too.
  • People that come to this country and then don't make an effort to learn English---and THEN complain because schools aren't bilingual! Last I heard, English was the primary language of this country. If you don't like it, then pack up and get out!
  • People proclaiming that my family and I will be safer if we hand over our only means of self-defense?!!?!


CWMartin said...

Can't say I disagree with any of those. Although, I will say that the best way to discover if you have a pet peeve (or are looking to add a new one) is to go to Wal-Mart.

Bob G. said...

- Agreed.
- AGREED...!!!
- Or the difference between YIELD and STOP!
- It's all about THEM.
- It's called pay the hell attention in SCHOOL.
- The "Brando" look is out (except in the ghettohood with saggy pants)
- I'm as subtle as a brick through a window...LOL
- If I moved to GERMANY, I'd best learn GERMAN...there 'ya go.
(Ft. Wayne's going through a BURMESE thing now w/ bilingualism)
- THAT day will come when they pry my cold dead fingers from the GRIPS!

Excellent ';em all.

Stay safe down there.