Thursday, September 22, 2011

aging gracefully?

I’m really getting scared watching television and movies anymore. None of the oldies, still goodies, like Clint Eastwood look remotely like themselves. And why does plastic surgery seem to stop at chin level? Do the surgeons forget people have necks? And what's with the trout lips so many actresses are sporting? Frankly, they remind me of a condition that usually resides at the other end of the human body.
The lack of expression the Botox injected gives them less character than their wax doppelgangers at Madame Tussaud's. And every time someone interviews one of these "altered" faces and says, "You look good!" I snort in disbelief. Honestly, can't some interviewer somewhere, please, just once say, "Excuse me...I thought I was interviewing _____ _______ (fill in the blanks with the name of any crazy-scary-frozen-unwrinkled-over-the-age-of-40 actor/actress here). Who are you?" It would be such fun to try to spot any approximation of shock or surprise on those frozen faces.
When did it become such a sin to age? Why don't we celebrate the fact we've lived so many years instead of trying to erase that amazing fact?


Alice said...

Agreed. I couldn't afford plastic surgery even if I wanted it, though, HA!

Joanne said...

I agree! I feel that Hollywood has some of the most extreme examples of what NOT to do to your face.
Blessings, Joanne

Bob G. said...

Not gonna go to ANY of those places...not for me.

I'm aging as gracefully as *I* can...not as anyone else wants me to.

After all, I spend more time in THIS skin than anyone else.

Good post.

Stay safe down there.