Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pulling the Plug

I am seriously considering pulling the plug on this blog. I just don’t care about it any more. Maybe it is because I am not good at it or maybe it has run its course. It has some how become something I have to do instead of something I want to do. I am not going to make a rash decision but If I continue to feel like this I will pull the plug.


CWMartin said...

I really hope you don't. I'd miss your posts, especially all the good jokes and the pictures of Morgan. It has been a joy to watch her grow up. But, if you decide, I can understand that as well. A blog should take care of what YOU need from it.

Joanne said...

I would miss your posts too, but I completely understand. Life is too short to feel trapped. having a blog should be something that you enjoy. and if you are not enjoying it then why do it?
Blessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

You make my day! Love seeing Morgan grow,and how cute she is,but you got to do what is best for you....After 30+ years we need to always stay in touch...

Anonymous said...

Meant to sign in with Colletta!

ms nk rey said...

Thanks for your kind words, I will continue for a while as I have quite a few blogs written ahead. Then perhaps I will cut down my posts to one or so a week.. we will see. Thanks Peeps I needed a bit of love today.

Bob G. said...

Hey, if I didn't think you were doing a good job, I wouldn't be reading you daily...and I think I'm not alone in saying that.

You provide some great humor, cute pictures, personal insight...and that's just the SHORT list...!

Every story has it's ending...but I have a feeling you're FAR from that point.

Maybe a post every 2-3 days might work...until the bug bites

Besides, we'll MISS 'ya!!!
(can't have that, right?)

Hang in there.
Keep the faith.
Stay safe.