Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pet Peeves

1. People talking on cell phones while driving

2. People not covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze..I don't care to have your germs

3. People who let their shopping baskets just roll into my car..

4. People who don't wipe their wet muddy feet before coming into my house...HELLO!! what do you think that mat at the door is for??

5. Men who won't take the time to put the toilet seat down..HELLO!! it was down went you used it so put it down again..

6. People who talk down to me.

7. People who take me for granted.

8. People who are always negative

9. People who don’t make eye contact.

10. People with an entitlement attitude

11. Politicians

12. When you ask someone how they are and the only response is a long sob story about how everything is horrible, which is, of course, always the fault of someone else.

13. Automated phone systems that never let you through to a live person. Then when the live person you finally get through to barely speaks English

14. People that love to brag about themselves, their lives, their belongings, everything in their lives.

15. When I say something, they talk on top of me like I haven't said a word.

16. People who park in handicapped spaces who are not supposed to


CWMartin said...

#1- not a real peeve to me, as long as the still drive paying attention.
#2- I TRIED!
#3- never had that happen.
#4-I DID! (or will...)
#5- Ooops...
#6, 7, 8- Never do it, ignore it if done to me.
#9- Sorry. Eye contact is a real issue for me, I am no good at it.
#10, 11- amen.
#12 That's my Grandma Girardot (or was).
#13, 14- AMEN.

Bob G. said...

1- ditto.
2- ditto
3- BIG ditto.
4- Yep!
6- Well, I am only 5.7" tall
7- MEGA ditto!
8- ditto
9- ditto
11- ditto
12- ditto
13- I HATE "Betty"...LOL.
14- ditto
15- ditto
16- Never have, never will.

We're of like minds, appparently.
Put us together and we can solve the world's problems...

(like someone's gonna allow THAT to happen...LOL)

Gave a great weekend.

Stay safe down there.

Anonymous said...

After all these years you spent on this earth, and you still cannot work a toilet seat! tsk tsk