Saturday, September 17, 2011

How do you feel?


I have some questions.

Chastity Bono grew up before our eyes. An adorable smiling blonde toddler who in the 70’s she was a regular on her parents’ Sonny and Cher Show. In the early 90’s at age 21 she was outed by a tabloid just as she was getting ready to launch her music career. She cut one album (Hang Out Your poetry) with her band Ceremony.

But I want to understand the hostility people are displaying about her (er, his) decision to opt for gender reassignment surgery. It's been made clear Chaz has been through extensive psychiatric evaluation and this isn't a whimsical action. His publicist merely announced the decision to reduce tabloid speculation & gossip mongering. Chaz doesn't appear to be doing any of this for publicity or increased media attention. He is not asking for public sympathy or support, or donations to pay for the surgeries. Perhaps Chaz is receiving financial help from Cher, but it's also very likely Chaz had a trust or may have received an inheritance after Sonny's untimely death.

There has been so much in the news and on twitter about Chaz being on Dancing with the Stars, and how it will affect children. I am unsure how they would know, unless an adult told them, since Chaz has facial hair and deep voice. I am so unsure how to feel about this. ( I will watch the show.)

My question is: does Chaz's decisions to have gender reassignment does this affect or damage you in any way? How do you feel about it?


Joanne said...
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Joanne said...

Does it affect me? no. Whatever Chaz has chosen to do in his life is his business. I don't know Chaz. All these reality shows like to push the boundaries to get people to watch. will I watch DWTS? maybe/ maybe not. If I don't it won't be because of Chaz's appearance. I probably won't watch because the show I think has run it's course...I mean it's called dancing with the stars and really by now the pro dancers are bigger stars than the stars themselves!
Blessings, Joanne

CWMartin said...

Not me- I'm old enough, smart enough, and not worried about sex anymore enough that my gender assignment is just fine with me. I worry about the innocents who will see Chaz as an example and follow him/her into this depravity instead of seeking help. And sorry no, I won't be watching DWTS- never have.

Bob G. said...

Doesn't afect me one way or the other.
And as long as no one attempts to "convert" me or otherwise jam it in my face constantly, I'm OK with what other people decide for themselves.