Thursday, November 10, 2011

As I said before, I never repeat myself.

People grow and change, over time they become different people. Some habits stay the same, some change. In older people this is most visible just after retirement. They don't know what to do with themselves, they lose their drive. Some lose their self-worth. If everything is wrapped up in a job for 40+ years and then it is gone, change is inevitable. Sudden change is even acceptable.

Accepting where I am right now.
Accepting to me used to mean - giving up, giving in, or saying, "What's the use?"
Accepting means to me today, I am happy and satisfied with what I am, what I have and living now in the present. What a change. A word that had such a negative connotation to being a word that is positive and fulfilling.
If I can accept - and not crave or desire for what ought to be, I am a much happier person. I don't compare, judge, evaluate, or wish for something different.


Alice said...

I like that.

It is a wonderful blessing to be content.

Bob G. said...

Now THOSE are words to live by...
Thanks, I needed that.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

I'm loving this post!
Blessings, Joanne