Thursday, November 17, 2011


You’d think Donald Trump could afford a better barber

Doddering and fool are in my thoughts a lot lately.

Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Kisses still do it for me.

I love being alone.

I don’t want to make any one jealous but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school.

Don’t hate me.

I have several friends and family members facing real health issues.

I also know quite a few people who have no real regard for their own health.

Lastly, my dsl internet connection has been down since late Sunday night. It is now Wednesday evening and I am on here using a dial up connection. It is frustrating but so far I have not really came unglued….. yet…after all, tomorrow is another day and I make no promises after 3 full days with no dsl.


Bob G. said...

Always be sure to NEVER become a slave to technology so much, that you can't cope otherwise.

(after all, we did pretty damn well BEFORE it all came

And I am WITH you 100% on the DARK hershey kisses...!!!
(please say those don't figure into that whole "health" thing)

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

"You’d think Donald Trump could afford a better barber"; Hey, that's style!!

"Doddering and fool are in my thoughts a lot lately". Yeah, thinking about Trump will bring those words up.

"Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Kisses still do it for me." Dark Chocolate! Ummmmmmmmm.....

"I love being alone." Until the quiet gets loud...

"I don’t want to make any one jealous but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school." This is an issue? I'm so out of touch...

"Don’t hate me." Never.

"I have several friends and family members facing real health issues." They'll be in my prayers.

"I also know quite a few people who have no real regard for their own health." Shhh, don't tell on me!