Wednesday, February 8, 2012

RANDOM Stuff about me in no particular order

81. When I was in High School, I did not join any clubs or participate in any activities

5. I plan to learn to play the piano someday.

26. I also plan to learn to tap dance someday.

31. I hate anything licorice flavored.

68. I prefer Coke to Pepsi, but Pepsi's relatives (Mt. Dew, Wild Cherry Pepsi) to Coke's relatives.

52. I would like to run a marathon someday, but I'm DEATHLY afraid of any sort of repercussions that my toenails could suffer. Yep that is my excuse.

51. My toes line up like perfect soldiers.

58. My toilet is running and I just went to catch it.

4. The robe I'm wearing right now cost me $4.99 at Goodwill.

40. I'm more good with money than I am bad. But, I'm working very hard on getting better.

59. There was a time, a few years back, when I could always be found wearing something pink.

77. Sometimes (more often than I care to admit) I mistype my name

13. Pink. It's my new pink.

92. I use my maiden name now.

54. My family calls me "hey you."

56. I am addicted to shopping at Amazon.

61. Sometimes I wish I had had the chance to go to college.

17. I get lost often; I have no sense of direction.

1. I'm pretty sure that I think I am funnier than other people think I am.

84. I have barely even traveled outside of the US.

43. I have one brother, and we get along really well, and it gets better as we get older.

22. I used to be addicted to drinking pop.

16. I love my kindle fire.

71. I prefer Letterman to Leno.

38. I don't really cook that often, but it's not because I'm a bad cook.

32. I hate washing dishes.

39. I don't mind vacuuming.

64. My current pop is A&W Diet Root Beer.

67. I like the smell of freshly cut grass.

29. I like living where I live,

8. I have a few superstitions.

88. I've never gone to a psychic, but I think it would be fun.
75. I love thin crust pizza.

45. I secretly hope it kind of annoys you that the numbers are out of order.

96. I watch so much TV.

42. I can't believe I haven't come up with 100 things yet. This is much harder than it looks.

63. I have three sons.

48. Labor was way more painful than delivery.

60. I can't stand the texture of almost all types of fruit.

9. I enjoy the flavor of most fruit juices.

21. I have glasses with non-prescription lenses

57. I think the right glasses can make a person infinitely more sexy.

18. People have explained to me that poor vision is not a cause for celebration, and I fully understand that.

98. I hate the winter, or any type of weather that calls for the use of a coat.

99. I would not consider moving out of Indiana based on weather alone.

79. Was a good year.

37. I will never, ever, ever live in Florida.

23. I would like to visit Florida

14. I would like to lose 30 pounds.

2. Is the number of piercings I have. One in the right ear and one in the left.

95. I don't plan to be tattooed again.

44. I tend to name my possessions. My easy chair is Mr. Sparky, yep it is a Niagara massage chair, and my electric blanket, which I can’t live with out is Mr Sunbeam.

73. I'm the queen of bad puns.

35. Doctors terrify me.

53. I don't own many diamonds.

62. I really like pearl and opals.

49. One of my thumbs seems to be double jointed.

85. I have never broken a bone.

28. I feel like a TOTAL geek.

100. I lied about the number of facts in this post.


Alice said...

77, 17, 29

ME too!

45, not really :P

Anonymous said...

#43 ? your lucky, my brother was an only child.