Friday, June 7, 2013

5 on Friday

1. What's the song that you'll usually sing when you're in the shower?
I don't usually sing  in the shower

2. What kind of book/magazine do you read in the bathroom?
None. That is a horrible habit.

3. If you found a magic lamp, and you'll be able to get a wish, what would you wish for?
Good health and a never ending supply of money.

4. Do you order a McChicken plain?(as in, without the veggies)
Never I like the veggies on it.

5. What's your favorite type of chili sauce?
Sweet chili sauce. love it especially on a pizza. yummy


Bob G. said...


1) I don't sing in the shower...but I WILL hum the William Tell Overture once in a while...LOL.

2) Usually my latest issue of GUNS magazine.

3) That's EASY...wish for a MILLION WISHES!!!
(that covers everything AND everyone)

4) I'm too busy ordering that double bacon cheeseburger.

5) I don't do chili sauce, but HOT taco sauce...yasureyoubetcha!

Great list.

Stay safe and have a great weekend down there.

CWMartin said...

1. Whatever's playing in my head at the time...
2. Comic books. Hey, ya gotta do something...
3. More music and comic books... and a buncha money!

4. They sell chicken?

5.n/a on that one.