Friday, June 14, 2013

5 on Friday

1. Do you remember your first crush? Did you tell them?
It seems silly to NOT remember, but I don't think I do? I really had my head up my a$$ when it came to boys. I know I freaked out when any of them showed any kind of interest (even if it was the I-tease-you-because-I-like-you kind that I didn't recognize 'til later). I didn't even like my first "boyfriend" (I use the term loosely) but I was pretty sure I was the only girl on the planet who hadn't had one yet at the ripe old age of 16.

2. Did you have a crush on a teacher? Which one?
No. I remember my classmates being all a-twitter about our middle school health teacher, and looking back he was pretty cute, but I guess I was still staunchly in my latency phase or something and didn’t really get what all the fuss was about. I don’t remember any of my high school teachers being crush material.

3. Do you still have crushes? Do you ever tell them?
I guess I have some passing crush feelings now and then, but since I am happy with being alone it hasn’t even occurred to me to act on them.

4. What is your opinion of someone telling your crush object you have a crush?
If you’re both available and you’re interested in seeing them, I think you should go for it pretty quickly. Waiting around pining for them isn’t likely to increase their chances of liking you back; conversely, it’s more likely to plant you firmly in the Friend or Creepy Stalker zone. Even if they reject you, you’re better off knowing sooner than later so it’s that much sooner you can move on.

5. What does "having a crush" mean to you?
I think of a “crush” as the first stage of romantic interest in someone. You’re attracted to them physically and probably know enough about their personality to see (or think you see) potential, but you’re not in love. I think many younger, inexperienced people mistake crushes for love because that’s the most intense form of romantic/physical attraction they’ve ever felt, but crushes are kind of the “empty calories” of love; they’re just that temporary stage of butterflies and giddiness without the real substance of true love. They’re much more superficial.


Bob G. said...


1) First crush - elementary school teacher, HS crush...don't really recall having just

2) 4th grade - MISS Wallace!
(broke my heart when she got hitched)

3) a couple now...unrequited of course.

4) Go for it...might get them to take a look-see.

5) One word - INFATUATION.

Great list.

Stay safe down there this weekend.

CWMartin said...

I can't believe you posted on this subject. I'm just crushed.