Friday, June 21, 2013

5 on Friday

1.Have you ever left the country you live in and where?
Nope. I've traveled a little around the states...but not much...and not near as much as I would like to!
2.What countries would you visit if time and money were not problems?
Time and money not a problem? When did I get a TARDIS?! That would be fantastic!...
Australia for sure. Then I would  start in the UK - England Ireland Scotland...And I've been told that Italy is wonderful. So, that's on my list. 
3.Out of all the foreign food you've tried, which is your favorite and why?
I don't really have a favorite...It all depends on the mood & the food. :) 4.Can you name all 7 continents?
North and South America, Africa, Australia, Europe, Asia, and Antarctica. (It's been a day or two since I've been in school!)
5.Which continent are you least likely to ever want to see and why?
That would be  Antarctica....just because BURRRRRRRRR!!!


Bob G. said...

1) Been to the Caribbean...and to Canada.
Haven't seen AS MUCH of the good old USA as I would LIKE to.

2) Scotland and Ireland...hell, all of the UK.
...Now THAT'S my kind of blogger!
And yes, I do have a TARDIS
"key" a LONG scarf AND a sonic screwdriver...
(a tale for another day).

3) Same with me...depends on the mood AND the food.
(never turn down Chinese, though)

4) Yeah, all the ones YOU

5) Asia (I really hate rainy season) and/or Antarctica, but if zombies come, the south pole might be THE place to be.

Great list.
Have a great weekend & stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

My answers pretty much copy yours- but I'd be sure to attempt to make money a problem!