Tuesday, June 11, 2013

More Rules to live by

1.  Be confident in being different. Normal people are boring.
2.  Don’t squat with your spurs on.
3.  Don’t spit into the wind. Don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger and don’t mess around with Jim.
4.  Hang the toilet paper going the right way. you know which way i mean….so the free edge comes over the top nicely and hangs down, just waiting to be grabbed. don’t be an a$$hole and hang it the other way.
5.  Whatever you do, own it. If you screw up, admit it and help fix the problem. If you do something awesome, own that, too. Don’t wave it off with a dismissive “it was nothing.”
6.  Keep your word.
7.  Remember that strength isn’t always a physical thing.
8. Find someone who “gets you and your sense of humor” and enjoy life!!!
9. Respect your elders. And listen to them. They’ve survived because they are smart.


Bob G. said...


1 - Me? Mormal? NEVER!
2 - Point(s) taken.
3 - Never have, never will.
4 - Tell the MISSUS this, please?
5 - Always have, always will.
6 - Please refer to number 5
7 - I've lived THAT adventure.
8 - That would my wife.
9 - I have & now I know what they were all about, because I AM one.

Excellent list.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

1. Some of us odd ones ain't exactly exciting...
2. Unless it's where you hang yer toilet paper (?).
3. But it's okay to tug on Superman's cape? I DON'T THINK SO...
4. We gave up and don't even hang it, just set it somewheres close.

5. Could I just rent? I'm a little tight on cash...

6. and pass the chocolate.

7.But regular showers take care of that.

8. The best I can hope for is tolerate..

9. Yes, Ma'am.

ms nk rey said...

Chris you best leave Superman's cape alone too.. Love your sense of humor. both you guys crack me up.