Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Paula Deen

Leave Paula Deen alone. Paula used a racial slur, she has went on TV and gave what I think is a heartfelt apology.This was a long time ago and I don't she should lose everything. Black people can say the n word all of the time but raise hell when white people do. Black Gangter Rappers (?) rap about it and it common for them to make millions of dollars using the "n" word. Is it wrong yes but it is wrong for everyone. Stop the double standards.


CWMartin said...

My thoughts exactly. I don't care if she's sincere or not, guilty or not. The people she mentioned with their big ol' rocks need to a) look in the mirror, b) get a life.

Bob G. said...

This whole dust-up is just MORE proof of how MUCH of a "double-standard" we have in this country.
(and how MANY)

Imagine if someone called Trayvon Martin a "crazy-ass n_____"'d be ALL over the news for weeks.
But when you call Zimmerman a crazy-ass CRACKER...that's perfectly OK.
Ditto for the (c)rap crowd, or other assorted street thugs...fine to use whatever race-based slur as a form of "friendship" (there), but don't you DARE let Whitey say anything close to it.

I am SO damn sick of this.
Yes, by all means, leave her alone.

Stay safe down there.