Friday, June 28, 2013

5 on Friday

1) Do you really make wishes when you blow out the candles on your cake?
Of course!
2) Have any of the wishes ever come true, if yes?
I always wish for vague stuff, like "Let this year be a good one." It always comes out more or less true, so it's a hard test to validate.
3) How do you feel about birthdays? (e.g. love the attention, just another day, don't want anyone to know my real age, etc.)
I'm just getting into the age where I don't look forward to birthdays. 21 is the last birthday that has a milestone worth looking forward to; now they just mean I'm getting older.
However, I still enjoy getting to celebrate. I always have and probably always will.

4) Tell us a favorite gift you've received, or something you'd really like for your next birthday.
Every gift is my favorite because it means you remembered me . . . Yeah, that's lame.
5) What flavor cake?
White cake with white frosting. Preferably store-bought. There's something about the icing and the way it hardens on the top layer . . . And I get the piece with the most icing roses, of course.


CWMartin said...

1. Haven't had a cake in a long time, let alone candles.
2.Wouldn't know.
3.I don't mind them, just wish they didn't all fall on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
4.OMG the camera...
5.That one that Bobby got his wife for their anniversary....

Bob G. said...


1) At my age,yasaureyoubetcha!
(AND, I keep the fire extinguisher very close)

2) Sadly, I can't recall any, but thankfully for OTHERS, none of them have come true...LOL.
(or it would a LOT quieter around

3) Dad always said "it's just a number", so in lieu of that, I celebrate ANNIVERSARIES of my 29th b'day.
And THAT number is getting high.

4) Too many to recall (told 'ya I had more years behind me than in front)

5) Black Forest cake or dark chocolate/chocolate, but hey, ANY cake will do in a pinch.
Cake is good.

Great list.

Stay safe down there.
(and pass the cake)

Joanne said...

I always make the same wish. This year is a big birthday for me...kind of dreading it but when I think of the alternative...its not so bad!
Blessings, Joanne