Friday, October 4, 2013

5 on Friday

1. At what age do you think it's appropriate for someone to get their driver's license?
Personally, I think eighteen is a good age. It's how old I was when I got my first. But I also understand that kids living in rural areas need to drive to get around and their parents or older siblings/relatives aren't always available to give them rides. So maybe a conditional driver's license is appropriate for drivers 16-17, with stipulations that cars be used for school and home, and times when the license can be used. I believe it's being tried in some states.
2. At what age do you think it's appropriate for someone to first drink alcohol?
Because kids can do everything else at the age of 18, I think the drinking age should go back to it. It's insane that young adults can fight (and die) in a war at 18, but have to wait until they're 21 to drink. If you're going to keep the drinking age at 21, then raise the legal adult age to 21.

 3. At what age do you think it's appropriate for someone to become sexually active?
When they feel they're ready to be a parent, and no sooner. *Shrugs* Personally, I think 18 is a good age  for that. Still, comprehensive sex education taught at school and home and covering all bases including feelings and emotions, must be mandatory.
4. At what age do you think it's appropriate for someone to vote in elections affecting national and/or local government?
I'd like to see 16- and 17-year-olds voting in elections. It's a great way to become involved in their communities, helping to make decisions that will affect their futures.
5. At what age do you think it's appropriate for someone to be conscripted for military service?
A tough one,  I'd like to see them raise the maximum age for enlistment, as there are many people out of work, to maybe 50 (older enlistees can serve in non-combat roles). I'd also like to see single parents (raising children alone) enlisted in the military serve their duties at home, where they can be with their children. But the minimum enlistment age can remain at 18.


Alice said...

I think I pretty much agree with you on all counts here. My step dad was raised in NY where the legal drinking age was 18 and was in for a rude awakening when he went to college out of state and was now too young!

I'm sure he made it work somehow:)

Bob G. said...

Oh, this one's gonna be a "pip"!

1) 18 sounds right, but I didn't get MINE until I was 22 (had friends driving me a "made man"
AND, I passed the test on the FIRST run-through!

2) 18 again sounds right.
I hate to see soldiers in theater NOT be able to have a brewski, but still DIE for their country.
Although SOME people shouldn't drink AT ALL (that would be drunk drivers and child & wife beaters)

3) Well, considering the progressives would want kids having kifs at age 10 (sure seems that way), I'd say beg off as long as possible...BOTH sexes need to MATURE FIRST.
There's a LOT of "baggage" that comes with sex, believe it or not.
And the illegitimacy rate PROVES it.

4) God, this is HARD...there are many folks out there don't know HOW to vote...they vote the "person" and NEVER the issues. They shouldn't EVER go near a voting booth.
If you can get past that...again, 18 sounds right.

5) Conscription is a big nasty with me (I also hate press gangs, indentured servitude and slavery), but I would hold off until 21.
I don't want "teens" in combat of EITHER SEX.
But, that would also raise the voting and alcohol ages, would it not?
Maybe that's a GOOD thing.
Volunteers should also be 21.

I knew this would be a good list.

Have yourself a great weekend & do stay safe down there.

Yeah, I;m an old fart...LOL.

CWMartin said...

I think all children should be sealed in mylar until 25.