Tuesday, October 15, 2013


So gas prices are on the rise again. They're holding pretty steady around $3.50/gallon in these parts. $3.50/gallon--can you believe that? I remember when I was first driving, prices were much closer to $.35 per gallon. I'm absolutely certain that I've paid way less than a dollar per gallon for gas since I've been driving. I can remember filling up  circa 2000 for $.999/gal. That wasn't that long ago--not long enough to justify a $2+ dollar increase. But I digress. So, as I was saying, gas prices are on the rise again--bitch, bitch, moan, moan, grumble, grumble. Who the hell wants to pay $3.50/gallon for gas?!? Then comes the announcement: gas prices expected to reach $4/gallon in the next few months, and, oh my god, we're so lucky to only be paying $3.50 now! See, it's all about the spin.


Alice said...

It really is awful. I remember paying $20 to fill up and now...

We've always been at war with Eastasia

Joanne said...

You said it sista! We pay a little more than that now...people say that everything is going up...I have a feeling winter is bringing us some unwelcomed surprises.
Blessings, Joanne

Bob G. said...

Wifey and I pay around $50+ every two weeks, and that's barely going anywhere other than work and the grocery.
So much for those Sunday "drives to nowhere"...and to make us believe we're "doing OK" when gas is ONLY $3.50 a gallon...ridiculous.

Heating costs will ALSO be going up, esp. for those with OIL heat. Natural gas will rise 9% and electric will also be on the uptick.

And where are t6hose "good times" we remember anyway?

Good post. Stay safe down there.