Thursday, October 24, 2013

What is the most annoying habit a person can have?

Here is my list .. what would you add?
eating with your mouth open
People who can never admit they are wrong or can never apologize

Chewing tobacco

Sometimes just breathing

Pompous rude people who have  irrational opinions and never listen to reason.

I hate the sound of teeth scraping on a fork!!!!

Chomping on a piece of gum like its cow cud!


Bob G. said...

COnsidering my parents all but forbade ALL of that on the list...I'm in total agreement.

Then again, I see people doing many of those EVERY DAY along our about a lack of a lot of things in their lives, not the least of which is MANNERS.

BTW, do you consider STUPID a "bad habit"...or a chronic condition with some people?

Good post.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

If I tried to add to this list, I'd have to sue myself for defamation of character.