Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thoughts today.

  • I am not admitting how many times this month I have aimed the phone at the television and cussed when the channel didn't change.
  • I stopped watching the news three weeks ago.
  • My inability to suffer fools increases daily.
  • Have you noticed how many fools there are these days?
  •  Can someone explain the phenomenon where your nose begins to itch horribly as soon as you stick your hands in dishwater?


Bob G. said...

-- Haven't done that yet myself, but the remote and phone (here) DO look alike.
-- Still watch the news, but only to see if THEY missed anything I
-- Mine has increased EXPONENTIALLY!
-- I try NOT to, but they keep ZOMBIES!
-- Can't say what that is, but I DO know if your nose RUNS and your feet've been built UPSIDE DOWN.


Stay safe down there.

Alice said...

--I just now got that the second time through. ha!

--No news for me..ever

--Mine too

--Zombies are cool

--I wish I knew

CWMartin said...

Or how about the need for your eyebrow to suddenly and explosively itch when your free hand holds a sharp object...