Friday, June 6, 2014

5 on Friday

1. What are your five favorite all time TV shows?
Big Bang Theory, Big Brother, Amazing Race, The Apprentice, and any British Comedy.

2. What five things you want to do before the year is out?
Redo my blog layout, I just can’t get the header centered,  become really, really wealthy, get what ails me fixed. It doesn’t  say it had to be realistic.

3. Who are five people (alive, dead, or otherwise) you would want to have dinner with?
George W Bush,  Peyton Manning,  Mark Martin,  Donald Trump, and Garth Brooks. I chose people that are alive. Eating with a dead person would sort of be an appetite killer.

4. Where are five places (cities, states, countries, etc.) you would like to visit?
Ireland,  London, Australia, Key West and Alaska.

5. What are your five favorite desserts?
Coconut pie, cheese cake, anything dark chocolate, chocolate cake, and cookies I love cookies.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Looks like another great list:
1- THAT is a hard one..,
probably I SPY.
2- Another hard one for me - maybe purchase another pistol, get the lawn reseeded, and hope nothing else goes wrong.
3- Gonna give this a try:
a) George Patton
b) Nikola Tesla
c) Andrea Tantaros
d) Glenn Beck
e) Charles Krauthammer
4-Scotland, Ireland, England, Alaska, and anyplace far from the "locals"
5- Strawberry shortcake, chocolate cake, NY cheesecake, Boston cream pie, and blueberry pie.

There 'ya go...start planning the trips, calling the psychics, and baking those treats...LOL.

Have a great weekend and stay safe down there.