Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Theme Song

This is a hard one .. After much thought Eye of the Tiger by Survivor

And you?


Bob G. said...

I can have too much fun with this one...and it depends on my mood, as well as whether it has lyrics or just an instrumental piece...LOL.

Here goes anyway:

song - a tie:
"On the Turning Away" - Pink Floyd
"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" - U2

instrumental - Gotta be the Captain America "march"

And these are when I'm in a good mood...just so you know.

Stay safe, dry and cool down there

CWMartin said...

C'mon... Cheeseburger In Paradise!

Given what your wife said about losing your glasses, Bob, I'd say the U2 song is perfect!

Bob G. said...

That's why I have TWO pair...one pair to find the first pair...lol.
(my perosnal plan-B)