Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Give me some patience and Hurry!

When I was young I drove really fast.  Now that I am older I drive slower. That just seems odd to me. I would think that I would have driven slower when I was young as I had all this time ahead of me, and now that I am older I would drive faster. Taking your time when you are young and hurrying when you are older. Now I think it is because I have learned a little thing called patience.
What is patience?  A few definitions. One, patience is the quality of bearing provocation, annoyance and misfortune or pain without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like. Patience is an ability or a willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. Patience, the quiet, steady perseverance. Even-tempered care. It means slow to get mad, or in other words the opposite of a short fuse. Patience means you’ve got a longer fuse.
We’re not born naturally patient and it’s something that we must be learn. Some  never do. Some  never outgrow  impatience.
And I’m not sure that it’s easier in our time than it has been in former times. As a matter of fact, I think it’s probably harder now  than in any other time. Patience is a very rare virtue. I mean, think about it. We’re living in the age of fast food. We want everything instantly. You just want to be able to eat right away.
And we want our cars to go faster and faster.You feel like there’s just so little time and you want to go, go, go, and you can get irritated if you get behind someone slow and then everybody is passing in the other lane and they won’t let you in to pass this slow vehicle in front of you. And when you really think about it at the end of the day, all of that restlessness and that stress that you hold inside, you might save yourself ten seconds. And you wonder, is it worth it. You see cars weaving and dodging through the traffic making a menace of themselves and you catch up to them at the next light. Those are usually the young drivers.
It takes time to learn. We don’t all have it naturally. And you know one reason we have such credit problems in our country? Think about it. It’s because people want to be able to buy something right now before they really earned all the money to pay for it. So we’ll put it on a card and we’ll go into just phenomenal debt and it’s because we want instant gratification. And why do we want instant gratification? Because we haven’t learned patience.

Sometimes I become impatient that I’m not getting more patient.


Bob G. said...

Heh...I love the irony at the END of the post...I can relate to that very well!
I've been a very impatient person as well, and I was brought up to NOT be that way.
(blame that on our "instant society")

What I think might occur, is when we no longer are told by our parents to BE PATIENT...we are free to "explore" the depths of our own impatience without being fettered.
THAT can be a nasty trap.
And haste DOES make waste, so I've come to appreciate taking one's time in most every part of life.
(but the coffee cannot ever come QUICK ENOUGH...lol)

Excellent post.
Stay safe (and patient like "Little John") down there.

CWMartin said...

I am beginning to see that patience is not so much the ability to "take things slow" as the ability to divert stress into more positive outlets. As the lid of my "important papers file" after this morning how that's working out for me.