Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Things I don’t like to hear.

1. Assemble this in eight straightforward steps.
2. Start with a fish stock, made the day before.
3. The driver has arrived but sadly, drunk.
4. We'll need some disinfectant for the floor.
5. Ensure all surfaces are clean and dry.
6. There's been a problem.
7. Apologies, the doctor's been delayed.
8. I'd love to bring a friend, he's so depressed.
9. I know it's midnight, but I had to call...

10. Classic songs that I grew up with...pimping products on commericals.


cw martin said...

If you read these in order 1-2-9-8-6-7-3-4, you have the makings of a potentially amusing (or disgusting) story.

Bob G. said...

...ANd certainly not all at once.

Now that you mention DOES all fit together...LOL
(amusingly disgusting, too)