Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm glad

  1. I'm glad that I have learned to ask for help when I need it instead of being ashamed that I can’t do everything myself.
  2. I'm glad that I taught myself to cook...and do it well!
  3. I'm glad I redecorated my home in thrifty chic because every day it makes me happy!
  4. I'm glad that I am not anal retentive and research everything before making decisions because I like to be spontaneous and make mistakes so I can learn.
  5. I’m glad I have met some great bloggy friends.
  6. I’m glad I have this comfortable lifestyle and I'm grateful for all of my material possessions.
  7. I’m glad for my home. Although it has its cracks & flaws
  8. I’m glad I have learned some life lessons through painful situations. Ah the storms I have been through. But they've all helped me to become a better person.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I have to agree with 'ya there, kiddo...
While I might have taken a couple "different" paths along MY journey, I really wouldn't want to trade off the WHOLE trip...there are too many good things and those learning experiences you mention that make even a rough trek worthwhile.

Excllent thoughts.

Have a great weekend.