Friday, October 1, 2010


1. Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant' is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'

2. Everything happens for a reason except for clowns.. I mean seriously what the hell ..

3. Take nothing for granted ever ever ever

4. I've given new meaning to "feel the fear and do it any way"

5. Spider webs creep me out especially walking right into them. I always wonder where the spider is & pray that it's not crawling down my back

6. Life is too short to waste time on stupid people. Bleh

7. "If you start out depressed, everything's kind of a pleasant surprise."

8. Trying to remove something once it hits the internet is like trying to get pee out of a swimming pool.

9. My brother has the best sister!

10. "We can't all be heroes, because somebody has to sit on the curb & clap as they go by." ~ Will Rogers


Bob G. said...

MSN: THAT'S entertainment.
And a great way to start the month AND the weekend!


Have yourself a great weekend (say hi to JOE for me)

CWMartin said...

1., 3., and 10,: AMEN.
2.:I got to tell my clown story on my blog someday.
4.: I envy you.
5.:Heh, you should come with me and Scrappy through the woods. Lots o' practice will eventually fade the creepyness.
6. Except as entertainment value.
7. I only wish it were that easy, for me anyway.
8. Now THAT'S Bleh!
9. That's funny, my sisters have the best little brother...