Monday, October 11, 2010

Keeping Score:

I am ashamed to admit it but I keep score. I never actually realized it before. Score keeping is a dangerous and insidious habit that has crept into my life. I have begun to keep track of every time MY expectations are not met and worse yet I have a tendency to only keep track of the negatives and not the positives. No one ever said that life is fair. But I know if I am keeping score in my daily life, I am going to be unhappy. Especially since all I am keeping score of are the negatives. I'm worried that I will get burned out and probably resentful. Yet, if I let it go I will have regret. I am pretty sure things will balance out in ways that I never would have expected. Life loves a balance.
So, the next time something else doesn't go my way (which it won't) I will try hard not to think about getting even and try harder to keep score of the things that go right as well. I know the less I keep score the happier my journey will be; but I must learn to keep score of both the good and the bad. And I'm not the ultimate Score Keeper anyway.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I'm also "guilty as charged", but I only do it because I want to make sure that I don;t wind up doing the same (dumb) thing SEVERAL times

ALways good to keep,score, as long as you don't LIVE by that score.

Life is NOT a 19 hole gold course, but someone IS watching that scorecard, making sure you don't "cheat".

Good post.