Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random thoughts about Charlie Sheen

I'm sure there is a rational explanation for all of this, and Teflon Charlie will be vindicated once more. And then, given another raise.

I happen to think Two and a Half men is HILARIOUS.
Granted it was much funnier in the earlier seasons and I have also been told I have 12 year old boy sense of humor. But I get makes me laugh.

It sure would be nice to just press fast-forward on this tool's life story and get to the good part. You know, the part when it all ends in a tragically embarrassing blaze of glory involving hookers, drugs, minors and Polaroid's.

He acts this way AND gets paid millions with no repercussions

This guy is out of control and doesn't seem to care who he takes with him.

He acts like he's above everything and he actually is. What makes him so special? Really, I would kind of understand if he was a superstar. As it is, he's just a messed-up overpaid TV actor.

How is it that there is no sex tape out there starring him and his many STD’s?

And last but not least, maybe he was simply fighting off bed bugs when he trashed that hotel room?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I guess THIS is what happens when your father is a liberal...
Be nice to see what COULD have happened if Martin were a bit more "conservative".

Nicely presented.
Good post.