Friday, October 7, 2011


Germs people, GERMS!! I need to address this again. Germs...they're not everywhere, they're every where!! I mean think about this...again! When you go somewhere and use your debit card and then they give you a receipt to sign with a pen...DON'T USE IT!!! The truth is it's really not a's a germ stick. You think it's okay to use, but you didn't see that the person who was inline in front of you was digging their nose or their ears or scratching dandruff with that same pen before you got it. Don't believe me?? Look at the pen next time they hand it to you. It's probably all brown and pasty looking by the part where you hold it to write. Sounds disgusting?? WELL IT IS!!! don't use gas station pens, bank pens, or store pens. It really sucks when you go to a place like Target or Wal-Mart though, where they have those rubber pens that you absolutely must use to sign the electronic thing for your credit card. I despise using those! I tried to use my finger nail to sign one time....that didn't go over too well with the cashier. She thought I was germ phobic. If germ phobic means caring about not catching some virus from touching public writing utensils or pressing the numbers on the ATM machine...then bring on the title!! Oh and speaking of ATMS....Please, please, PUH-LEASE don't press those number buttons with your fingers! Have you ever bothered to look at the black gook that is around the numbers?? Its filthy! It's almost as if the germs taunt me when I go to the you know what I do?? I press the buttons with my knuckles. As for public doors and those paper towel dispensers in the bathrooms, you're kind of in a Catch-22 with those things because if you use wash your hands, dry them, and then open the door, you have to wash your hands all over again!! Either way....please beware of the Germs....I don't want any of you catching the cooties! Yes, cooties do exist...just ask the gas station attendant who gave the germ stick to the hillbilly in the pickup truck who was digging his left ear with it! COOTIES!


CWMartin said...

I prefer the Rocky Balboa method of dealing with germs- let 'em climb aboard and lick 'em one by one as necessary. Saves the perpetual public washroom trip you described.

Bob G. said...

I don't like germs and they don't like me...
And when you're the World's Worst Patient, those little buggers tend to shy away.

That's ALSO why I don't get flu shots...
Inject ME with active bacillius?
I think NOT!
Why give those guys any "help", right?

They might outnumber me about a few BILLION to ONE, but I've got WAY more attitude (all from Philly)...LOL!

An important yet humorous post.
I know where you're coming from.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

I am a total germ-o-phobe! It drives my Hubby a bit crazy!