Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday with Morgan

Our cute little Colts fan


Bob G. said...

I feel for her so much with the Colts being 0-7!

Still, she seems to have a much better demeanor than many other Colts fans (and the team)...!

Cute picture...tell her to hang in there.
(we can't lose 'em, ALL, right?)

Stay safe down there.

colletta said...

Darling picture! Bet gramma made the hat....Tell her to hang in there, we don't kick them when their down!

CWMartin said...

Sorry, colletta, but I'LL kick'em when they're down. But not in front of Morgan. She doesn't even know they are 0-7. Me, I'm enjoying it!

Joanne said...

She has the cutest hats!
Blessings, Joanne