Friday, October 21, 2011


Step-grandparents enter into a family in one of two ways. You marry someone older when you are older and you get a huge package which includes stepchildren and step-grandchildren. Or, your biological child marries someone who has children from a previous relationship and voila, you get step-grandchildren. Either way, I’ve talked with people in this situation and many times we are confused about their grandparent identity and/or their role. A lot of the time the responsibility falls on your shoulders to “keep a finger in the pie.” Let’s face it, you can still act like the typical grandparents—rile up the kids, have fun at their parents expense, and then send them home. What do your step-grandchildren call you? Is it OK to call you by your first name? If their other other biological grandparents are still around am I a Bonus or an odd extension to the family?


Alice said...

I have a step mom and and step dad, so my kids have step-grandparents.

They have grandparenty names for each. It's very nice;)

Bob G. said...

Hell, grandparents are matter HOW you come by them!

And yno, they shouldn't feel "out of place"...not one bit.

What I wouldn't give to have just ONE of them these days...miss the stories AND the sage wisdom.

Good post.

Have a great weekend.

CWMartin said...

I hope not to have any knowledge on the subject for a long long time!