Friday, May 2, 2014

5 on Friday

1. If you could live in any period in history other than now, when would it be?
The 1950′s.

2. What knowledge or skills do you think you’d have to learn to be able to fit in your chosen period of history?
Not much more than what I have now, I fit in once so I figure I would fit in again.

3. If you could take just one thing from the modern world back with you, what would it be?

4. What period in history would you hate to have lived in?
Time of the Black Plague.

5. What thing from the past would you like to see make a comeback?
Low price gas.


Bob G. said...

1 - I'm trying hard NOT to over-think this one...maybe the 1960s.
That might work out.
2 - What I know NOW would go a LONG way back in the 60s, believe you me!
3 - Be a hard choice between my .45 OR my car.
Maybe the car, because I could get the A/C fixed for cheap and I wouldn't need the seat belts to work...LOL.
(plus, guns were less expensive then anyway)
4 - Definitely NOT the Middle Ages - hate the plague, hate the Spanish Inquisition, and hate the lack of hygiene!
5 - Yeah, LOW gas prices, low food costs, clothes and shoes that LAST (and are less costly).
Houses cost a LOT less, too.

Seems we have the same ideas when it comes to those "good old days".
THEY COST LESS, even if we made less!

Great list.

Have a good weekend and do stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

I can't fight you on a one of them!