Saturday, May 3, 2014

Donald Sterling

I am so confused by this latest mess of “unpolitically correctness”.  This man is 80+ years old.  He grew up in a different time. Not to excuse his comments but since when does something you say in private, and there were no names called that I heard, ( I don’t consider black a derogatory name ) allow “others” to take away your property?  This seems to have eerie reminders of Hitler's Germany. I am sure we have all said things in private or among friends that were racial.  I have. So do the “others”  have the right to punish me by taking away my home or other property?  If there is one thing I have learned in my life, and believe me I am old, it is that life is not fair, never was and never will be. I realize this is not a popular opinion but it is mine.
I am so tired of this race card being played all the time. I say get over it.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I feel the EXACT same way...
I don;t condone what the guy said, but he's ENTITLED to say it, ESPECIALLY in the privacy of his HOME (even while gold-digger mistress is RECORDING it).

Supposed to be a law in Cali against that, I thought.
And NO ONE in the media STILL has even mentioned Marge Schott who used the N-WORD in public!

I;m sick of this race-baiting BS as well.
We CAN all get along, if these morons just STFU.
(but that's just my opinion).

Good post.
Stay safe down there, dear.