Thursday, May 22, 2014

By any other name:

That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
– Romeo and Juliet. Act ii. Sc. 2.

I was reading an article on baby names (I was just browsing, not interested in any more children thank you), and the article listed names that you should not give your child. The were…

First of all, who in there right mind would name a child after a female body part! It sounds like a Seinfeld episode.
The article goes on to suggest name that you might want to use instead…
Vero (Italian for “truth”)

These names are just as bad. Imagine the teasing a kid with the name Luna would get (“Look, it's a Luna-tick.”).
Just be careful of the names you give your children. Use names like Michael, Gregory, Gary, James (always liked that name), John, Joelle (has a nice ring to it), Angela, Mary (always a safe and pious name) or Michele (one or two l’s optional).
And don’t call your child Dilbert unless you are willing to stock up on ties that curl up on the end.


Alice said...

All my kids have what I would consider safe names. :)

I like Bertha, though, there is a Grateful Dead song that I like by that name.

Bob G. said...

No kids (that I know of yet), so no worries there.

As to the names people CHOOSE for their kids?
You should spend some time reading the FELONY REPORTS...greatest source for what NOT to name your child (of EITHER sex).
Since I'm such a damn traditionalist, I like those names we all grew up with.

Kinda miss the names from much of my grandparents generation, too.

Good post.
Stay safe (and well-named) down there.

CWMartin said...

Not sure what's wrong with Norbert... I knew a very good man by that name. And we have a lady at work that goes by Luna but its her last name (because her first is a mouthful!).