Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Try to understand me

I've been chronically ill for the past 14+yrs.. everyday is a challenge but at least I still have my peace of mind and have learned to take not even the smallest things for granted, everyday really is a gift. I try to always have a positive outlook on life, smiling and always thinking that today is just a bad day, but I will be fine tomorrow. I have struggled and sometimes still struggle with that. It is so easy to be hard on ourselves. It is something that is an ongoing struggle--we always want to do more than we can. Every time I see one more thing I can't do,  I find the only way to save my sanity is to search for something I CAN do. Some days are easier than others, but on the days that aren't, I've had to learn to try to forgive "me", and also try to forgive both my body and my life for this. I struggle every day with my disability that continues to worsen. I will fight to stay on my own in my own home.  Here I can look out the window or sit on the patio and see the birds and trees and the river  behind my home. I don't want pity, I want understanding. I am a work in progress.


Bob G. said...

Have to say you really touched me with your candidness...
While not walking the same path as you (physically), my journey has me also dealing with this nasty thing called aging....not being able to do a lot of what I used to "take for granted".
Some of what I can still do causes pain and assorted aches that go away all too slowly.

And it does prey on one's mind.
I've come to appreciate (as do you) every day, because it truly IS a gift.

Excellent post!
DO take care and stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

"It is so easy to be hard on ourselves. " The story of my meltdown last week in a nutshell.