Thursday, June 5, 2014

If I ruled the world

1. Money would grow on trees.
2.  Tech support would be provided by someone actually speaking English.
3. Stupid people would be neutered and not allowed to breed.
4. People who have NO sense of humor would be sent to live on a deserted island.
5. People who hurt kids would get NO second chance.
6. Cookies would be a food group.
7.  A marriage license would cost $5000. and a divorce would cost $500.
8. Christmas is Christmas and we say Merry Christmas not Happy Holiday.
9.  We would plant more flowers
10. Each person would be responsible for their own actions. You put a cup of coffee in your lap and get burned, tough ****.


Bob G. said...

LOL...I can so relate.
4-along with the neutered stupid people!
5-and be fed to those on the island.
6-Thought they already WERE?
7-It SHOULD cost more than a fishing license.
8-AMEN to that.
9-Already on that one!

Excellent post.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

I am with you, my Liege.