Wednesday, May 14, 2014


You know that sometimes you say something stupid, your mind is thinking  this and then you mouth says something different.  Your mind may be about 5 sentences beyond the point that your mouth is and the mind does not want to wait for the mouth to catch up.  In those cases the mouth gets confused and starts spouting out a string of words for which the brain did not send signals. Take the title for instance, I was talking about a politician when I got to what he said along the “if wishes were horses” line.  Somewhere between my brain and mouth, “if horses were wishes all beggars would ride” because “if birds had wings they would fly”. Yeah, I am still trying to figure that one out.


Bob G. said...


When it comes to politicians, I take them all with a grain of salt.
I try to make sure my brain is in gear before I engage my mouth...
Sometimes, the gears slip or grind a
Thank God I don't have to throw out the clutch!

(BTW, birds DO have wings and CAN fly...I think)

We all go through it.
No biggie, right?

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

You have to ask Laurie about being "a red-headed step-mule" one day.