Monday, May 3, 2010

10 Things I have Learned:

1. Pity parties end early when celebrated alone.
2. Not all doctors wash their hands before they eat.
3. First impressions aren't always right.
4. Ten almonds a day is supposed to improve my memory. I wonder if twenty a day makes me a genius?
5. The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best things. They simply appreciate the things they have. 6. I cannot drive and sneeze at the same time.
7. When the elderly say, "huh?" and put their hand to their ear, it's not because they can't hear's because they are trying to start a conversation with you.
8. The older you are, the more stinky the perfume.
9. It's much easier to laugh than it is to cry. The only thing crying accomplishes is smeared makeup, red eyes, a runny nose and no Kleenex to be found!
10. Sometimes its worth being called the wrong name instead of correcting someone. Today I was called Naomi -- twice. Whoever Naomi is, I hope I do her name proud!

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I love these lists you come up with...It keeps me on my toes...
ANd at 5'7", it gets me close to average height...LOL.
#1 is great, as is #5 (#6 CAN be done, but it hurts like hell to keep the eyes open, and you can't direct the sneeze, except upon the windshield...LOL)

As for the ALMONDS...well, sometimes you feel like a NUT...sometimes 'ya don't...!

Have a great week.