Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's time to laugh

Did you know that Research has shown health benefits of laughter ranging from strengthening the immune system to reducing food cravings, to increasing ones threshold for pain. Humor also has several important stress relieving benefits. Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones. It also increases the level of health-enhancing hormones like endorphins. Laughter increases the number of antibody-producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of T cells. All this means a stronger immune system, as well as fewer physical effects of stress. Some of the benefits of laughing

Physical Release: Have you ever felt like you "have to laugh or I'll cry"? Have you experienced the cleansed feeling after a good laugh? Laughter provides a physical and emotional release.

Internal Workout: A good belly laugh exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abs and even works out the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed afterward. It even provides a good workout for the heart.

Distraction: Laughter brings the focus away from anger, guilt, stress, and negative emotions.
Perspective: Studies show that our response to stressful events can be altered by whether we view something as a 'threat' or a 'challenge'. Humor can give us a more lighthearted perspective and help us view events as 'challenges', thereby making them less threatening and more positive.

Social Benefits of Laughter: Laughter connects us with others. Also, laughter is contagious, so if you bring more laughter into your life, you can most likely help others around you to laugh more, and realize these benefits as well. By elevating the mood of those around you, you can reduce their stress levels, and perhaps improve the quality of social interaction you experience with them, reducing your stress level even more!

So considering the fact there seems to be so much negative going on in the world around us, we see it and read it everywhere sometimes feels like we can't escape it. We might not be able to do much to change the happenings of the world but we can do something about our selves. Laugh more, it feels good and it makes those around you feel better. That’s a very easy way to try to help make life around us a little bit better. And it’s healthy for us too!!!!!!

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

And that's why GOD invented BILL COSBY, GEORGE CARLIN, and BENNY HILL...!
(to name but a few)
