Monday, May 10, 2010


  • When I buy a new set of measuring cups where do half of them disappear to a year later? Is there some measuring crisis in another room of the house that I don't know about?
  • Why are my cheeks always pink even when I'm not having a hot flash. As someone who was perpetually pale, this seems odd...
  • Why does oatmeal look so bad but taste so good?
  • How big does a grape have to be to make a "jumbo" raisin?
  • Why do my 60,000 mile tires need replaced at 45,000?
  • Why doesn't my "to do" list ever get smaller?
  • How did I get so old?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...


-- I keep mine on a "short leash".

-- My cheeks just get 5 o'clock shadow by 2PM

-- Dunno, don't care...I love it.

-- I can't say - I'm still working on the whole PLUM/PRUNE thing.

-- Planned obsolescence, m'dear...ditto for 5 yr. car batteries that ONLY last 3.5 yrs.

-- 'Ya Gotta start making some "TO DON'T" lists.

-- 'Cause we couldn't get YOUNGER, and all that good stuff hadda go SOMEWHERE.

ANother week - another smile.