Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday list of interesting facts

  1. Vampire bats use rivers to navigate. They smell the animal blood in the water and follow it.
  2. Crocodiles kill more people in the jungle than any other animal.
  3. A blue whales' sound can be heard from more than 500 miles away.
  4. William Shakespeare invented more than 1,700 words.
  5. You burn 50% more calories watching TV than you do when you sleep.
  6. A dragonfly, the fastest insect, can move up to 35 m.p.h.
  7. Q: What is the fastest two-footed animal on Earth? A: The ostrich.
  8. Taxi drivers and chauffeurs are more likely to be murdered on the job.
  9. On average a giraffes tongue is 14 inches long.
  10. 10% of Americans say it is alright for a husband to slap his wife.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

The BEST way to begin a weekend...right HERE.

1- I do the SAME thing...and I never drink..."wine".

2- I dunno...Zimbabwa and Darfur are doing pretty good with killing it's OWN people.

3- THAT must be what I hear at night, keeping me awake.

4- I'm only up to 34.

5- That expalins my insomnia...and my love of the history channel...and my metabolism being so fast. Good to know that.

6- Faster than a HUMMINGBIRD??? Wow.

7- And they (like many liberals) ALSO stick their heads in the sand...a LOT.

8- Note to self - forget the chauffeur's gig

9- ANd it looks dark BLUE too.

10- Well, those 10% need to BE slapped themselves (unless wifey is totally in hysterics and might do herself harm...)

Good list.
Have a great weekend.